Parents & Students

Parent Information:

First Day of Classes:

The first Tuesday (After Labour Day). Please check the Timetable for Professional Development Days and School Holidays.

School Day: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Ramadan hours 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.)

Parents can escort their children into the School beginning at 8:40 a.m., and must take them home by 4:20 p.m..

Educational Supplies:

Parents should equip their children with following materials:

Pencil, eraser, notebooks, lined paper, duotangs, pencil crayons or crayons and glue or tape.

The school will order the textbooks for the children. (charges will apply)

The school also sells items required for use by children.

Before and After School Care:

Before and After School Care is NOT provided by the school. There is a Muslim Family that is willing to provide before and after school care for an hour in the morning or an hour in the evening.

Late Pickup at the School:

The closing time for the School is 4:20 p.m.. There are late charges after that time.

Authorized People to Pickup Children from The School:

Authorization must be given to the School, in advance, to release a child to a person other than the parent.

School Trips:

Part of the School curriculum will include physical activities such as bowling, or tubing and Out of School trips. Parents are responsible for paying for and assisting with the School trips.

The trips are planned according to the need of the curriculum. The cost is distributed equally amongst the students. It is compulsory for the parents to pay their share of the trip charges even if their child is unable to go for the trip.

Graduation, Eid Parties and End of Term Parties Etc.:

Parents interested in these functions are requested to give their names to the Principal so that a Parent Committee can be formed. The Parent Committee will be responsible for organizing, preparing, assisting, and cleaning up after these functions. The School Administration will assist, but can no longer perform all these tasks due to health reasons.

Lunches and Snacks:

The children will have a morning and an afternoon snack break and one lunch period during the day. All children are required to bring nutritious snacks and lunches to school complete with spoons or forks if required. No gum, candies, chips, chocolate bars, pop, etc. are allowed.

Parents are encouraged to put the lunch in thermoses if they wish to have a warm meal for their child. Teachers are not allowed to warm up food for the children.

Parents are reminded that since the children are small, they cannot eat large quantities of food at one time. They also cannot eat large burgers or buns. Food should be in small manageable sizes. The teachers will encourage the child to eat, but will not feed the child.

Peanut and Nut Allergy Alert

There are students in the School with known severe peanut and nut allergies. This is called anaphylaxis and it can be life threatening. Therefore, the School is a NUT FREE AREA (That means peanuts as well as tree nuts are not to be brought to School.)

If a child eats nuts before coming to School, the child must brush his/her teeth and wash his/her hands. Even the smell of peanuts on the breath can be lethal to a child with nut allergies.


The most cost effective method for parents is to transport their children by themselves or through a car pool. The School will try to help you in this endeavour.

Inclement Weather:

During the winter months, inclement weather may cause the disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools has been tied to the PEEL REGION SCHOOLS.

If the school transportation in Peel Region has been cancelled, then the same will be cancelled for Al-Iman School.

If the schools in Peel Region have been closed then Al-Iman School will also be closed.

The decision to CANCEL transportation or CLOSE schools is usually made by 7 a.m. One of the following messages will be broadcast:

Buses are cancelled. This message means that schools remain open for students – but transportation services provided by the Peel District School Board are cancelled for the area(s) affected.

The schools are closed. This message means that, due to bad weather conditions, schools are closed to students.

All schools and Peel board facilities are closed. This message means that, due to the severity of the weather conditions, schools and board offices are closed to students and staff.

The cancellation of bus service or the closure of Al-Iman School will also be posted on the School’s web site.

Parent-Teacher Interviews:

There are three Parent-Teacher Interviews scheduled throughout the School Year. These are very valuable opportunities to discuss the progress of your child and all Parents are required to attend these important meetings.

Parents will be informed in advance of the interview dates.